Red and Blue

Please watch this first if you are not aware of the dangers of eating the above subject on a sandwich.

I’m not sure what kind of lighting was going on at the Newport Aquarium in Kentucky, but it certainly made these jellyfish look quite the snaz. The room had several tanks with various types of jellyfish, and it was dark and almost as if the jellyfish were glowing from within.

I haven’t always been super-impressed with the D300s once ISO is pushed into the 1600 range, and as I got into this room and got over my first impression of “Holy freaking glowing jellyfish! Ima go and take a thousand pictures now,” I thought I was going t have to jack up the ISO and just deal with the noise.

Turns out glowing jellyfish produce more light than one might think. At ISO 800 and f2.8, I got away with a 1/40 shutter speed, which, at 24mm, was plenty for a sharp shot. Uh…a hundred sharp shots?

Funnily enough, I actually had to desaturate this shot a bit to get it to look good. The red was just a bit too much.

Jellyfish. Jelly, fish.